Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you need any further information.

How can we assist you?

Email Support

We monitor emails everyday from 8 am to 11 pm CEST which is 9 am to 12 pm your time. When we are around our usual response time varies from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the number of incoming emails.

Chat Support

Facebook messenger

We are always online . When we are around our usual response time varies from a few minutes.You can contact us immediately through the Facebook Messenger icon on the right of the screen.

TFLXEVIP principles

Focused on providing German Quality

Since founding TFLXEVIP is committed to provide German quality with global availability. We focus on the stability of our Data Centers, rigorous internal processes and the high standards of customer support.

Incredible Prices

While everyone brags about their prices, we actually deliver on this promise. For example whenever choosing hardware we not only look at the raw performance, but also on the purchase price in relation to performance and power consumption.

Customer Is King

In TFLXEVIP we believe that every customer deservers a Premium Support Experience no matter they spend thousands or just $2.99 a month. That's why we've set rigorous quality standards for our support team making sure that your experience is as good as possible.

Looking for a custom solution?

Our technicians can provide you with the best custom made solutions on the market, no matter whether you're a small business or large enterprise.

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